Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast
Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast
BB251: Applying Neuroplasticity to Your Life featuring John Kennedy
Applying Neuroplasticity to Your Life
featuring John Kennedy
During the past episodes in John's mini-series here, he discussed various aspects of Applied Neuroplasticity and how it can positively impact different areas of your life.
In this bonus episode in John's mini-series on this podcast, we will be addressing how to use Applied Neuroplasticity to improve performance in specific areas of your life. So, up until now, we’ve discussed how Applied Neuroplasticity can help us blow our minds with tremendous improvements if we’re willing to do the work to improve our functionality. Let's get really practical in today's conversion.
#1 International Bestselling Business Author, John Kennedy Answers:
- Your approach is Applied Neuroplasticity, what is neuroplasticity?
- What does applied neuroplasticity mean?
- If we're doing the work to keep our brain agile, what can we focus on specifically in real-life situations?
- How do we get a competitive advantage in sports?
- How can we rock our sales efforts?
- How can we apply this to leadership?
- This is one I'm sure everyone is thinking about - do you have any techniques to improve relationships?
John's Special Invitation For You:
Ready to learn more about how you can improve your business operations, personal effectiveness, and mental efficiency? Go to:
Link to all the "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner" Books in the Series (Volumes 1- 5): https://amzn.to/3FrmS3r
*John's chapter is in Vol 5.
Listen to John's Previous Episodes in his mini-series here:
BB205, BB215, BB224, BB234, BB242
***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook
#BrilliantBizBook #SmallBusiness #CombatBrainTraining #PeakPerformance #PerformanceSeekers #1BestsellingAuthor