Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast
Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast
BB265: The Power of Being Published featuring Becky Norwood
The Power of Being Published
featuring Becky Norwood
#1 International Bestselling author, speaker, & book publishing expert, Becky Norwood is CEO of Spotlight Publishing House™. Becky is widely-recognized for the intuitive way she works with authors, weaving storytelling and marketing into a pathway for business expansion and audience growth. Becky has brought over 400 authors to #1 bestsellers through her publishing house.
Believing that a well-told story is a gateway for growth, she advocates for the positive that comes from sharing our creative genius and impacting our world in positive ways.
#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Becky Norwood, Answers:
- All these years after Volume 2 was released, what is the #1 insight from your chapter, and why?
- What is the #1 quote from your chapter that's still important for Business Owners to know and why?
- What interests you the most these days?
Becky's Special Invitation For You:
Get your copy of "The Four Pillars of a Story Well-Told": https://spotlightpublishinghouse.com/4pillarsofwelltoldstory
Link to all the "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner" Books in the Series (Volumes 1- 5): https://getbook.at/brilliantbizbookseries
*Becky wrote in Volume 2 (the emerald-colored book in the series)
Listen to Becky's Previous Episodes:
BB61, BB73, BB81, BB90, BB98, BB146
***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook
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