Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast

BB112: 5 Aspects of a Digital Expanded Mindset(TM) featuring Kerrie Hoffman

Hosted by Maggie Mongan: Featuring our #1 Bestselling Business Authors Episode 112

Business is speeding up, we all feel this.  We tend to expect it in our personal lives and resist it in our business.

  • For example, we expect our Amazon order arrive within 24 hours – or even 4 hours.
  • We know we need to make changes in our business to move faster and connect customers more deeply, but if it involves change, we resist.

 Business acceleration is caused by an exponential growth in technology 

  • Exponential technology gained momentum 20 years ago 
  • Technology has catapulted us out of the Industrial Age and into The Next Age
  • Fully moving to The Next Age™ requires companies to transform from a traditional way of doing business to Digital Business.

To get started, and overcome resistance, you have to cultivate the right mindset, a Digitally Expanded Mindset™.  

There are 5 aspects of a digitally expanded mindset:

  1. See the possibility in the Digital Era – create a Vision
  2. Believe in the power of modern technology – prod Dissatisfaction for traditional technology
  3. Adopt an abundance mentality – formulate easy First Steps
  4. Get comfortable with ambiguity – Attitude trumps skills and knowledge
  5. Focus on a Growth Outlook – practice the law of self-control
  • The first 3 aspects above are key to overcoming resistance to transformation
  • Gleicher’s Formula for Change: D x V x F > R
  • Dissatisfaction x Vision x First Steps > Resistance
  • The 4th aspect of a Digitally Expanded Mindset™ relates well to the Carnegie Triangle
  • The 5th aspect of a Digitally Expanded Mindset™ - having a growth outlook – is important to adopting the Law of Self Control.


  • Your thoughts, and in particular your self-talk will generate feelings about what you believe you can do, which prompts actions – what you actually will do - which ultimately leads to outcomes
  • Here’s the most important part of this law – you are 100% in control of your thoughts. In other words, your thoughts are a choice.
  • If you don’t practice the Law of Self Control you can get caught in the denial and despair aspect of change. These negative thoughts will lead to inaction and can actually cause a downward spiral.  

Want more? Listen to Kerrie's previous episode: BB105

Kerrie’s Special Invitation for You:
See how your business can ride the Jet Stream of Digital Business in a short video series and receive a resource guide on the 5 aspects of a Digitally Expanded Mindset
Go to:

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