Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast

BB115: How to Leverage Your Network for Business Success featuring Tamara Burkett

Hosted by Maggie Mongan: Featuring our #1 Bestselling Business Authors Episode 115

As we kickoff the first quarter of 2020, optimizing lead generation, increasing revenue, and improving win rates are at the top of prioritizes for most business owners. Chances are you've create various strategies to meet your sales goals and you're ready to execute. Yet does your plan include leveraging your network? 

"Relationship building is a long-term game that pays dividends in the long run. Yet we often struggle to optimize for anything other than short term gains.” Zvi Band, the CEO and founder of Contactually CRM

In this podcast, we'll explore why leveraging your network is the easiest way to meet your business goals, how, and what types of technology tools will support your efforts.

Questions Answered:

1. How do you define a network?

2. How are professionals using their network? 

3. What are the benefits?

4. What is a simple strategy to begin leveraging your network?

5. What are the appropriate tools we should use?

Want more? Listen to Tamara's previous episodes: BB102, BB110

Tamara’s Special Invitation for You:
Sign up for a free video training series to discover how a CRM will best support your business at:

Of course you can learn more in Tamara's chapter in "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 3", goes into greater detail on this topic. Click here to get book on amazon:

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