Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast

BB140: Why We Need Compassion Now More Than Ever featuring Susan McCuisition

Hosted by Maggie Mongan: Featuring our #1 Bestselling Business Authors Episode 140

Why We Need Compassion Now More Than Ever
featuring Susan McCuisition

There is a lot of chaos in the world today. As human beings, we seem to have been brought together not only by a pandemic, but also by the tragic and needless killings of George Floyd and others in the United States. Yet, never have we been so divided.

For a long time, we've lived in a racist system. We're all born into the system - two sides of the same coin - and the combination of events was just right to start opening many eyes and creating calls for action. We can argue whether changes to the system should have happened sooner, but that takes energy away from the fact that it's happening now. How do we keep momentum going forward and make not just change, but progress? Through compassion.

Now more than ever, we need compassion. Compassion is not passive. Compassion is meaningful action. It is understanding events through each others' perspectives, no matter which side of the coin we're on. We are going through these events together, but we are having different experiences around them. We need to understand the whole of these experiences in order to create a world that works for everyone.

Join #1 Bestselling Business Author Susan McCuistion as we discuss:

  1. And expert's story.
  2. What is concerning Susan the most these day?.
  3. Many are waking up and want to self educate - yay! Susan's caution!
  4. Why is your field filled with trigger words?
  5. Why compassion is needed more than ever?

Want more? 

Susan's Special Invitation for You: Compassionate Anti-racism™

This 4-week interactive course takes a holistic look at racism and current events and teaches us how to have meaningful, heart-centered conversations about these difficult topics. Beginning the week of July 20, 2020. Sign up for more information at:

Compassionate Diversity® 7 Day Challenge (engage any time)

This free 7-day challenge will take you through the 7 Principles of Compassionate Diversity® to help you build the foundation necessary to understand, connect, and act in more compassionate ways. Start today:

Of course you can learn more in Susan's chapter in "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 2". Click here to get book on amazon:

Listen to Susan's Previous Episodes: BB58, BB71, BB78, BB86, BB94, BB98

#BrilliantBizBook #People #Diversity #Inclusion  #Workplace #CompassionateDiversity #SusanMcCuistion