Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast

BB159: What Does Indispensable Key Talent Mean? featuring Mark Boeder

Hosted by Maggie Mongan: Featuring our #1 Bestselling Business Authors Episode 159

What The Heck Does Indispensable Key Talent Mean?
featuring Mark Boeder

As a business, do you presently have people you consider to be INDISPENSABLE at your place of work or with your clients?  Most businesses need to find these high impact people to help their companies grow but have no clue how to go about the process of finding them and bringing them into the business.

 Indispensable Key Talent isn’t indispensable merely BECAUSE they are different, but the only way to BE indispensable is to BE different. The only way to get the true worth from a person like this is to allow them to stand out, to be emotionally present, to be seen as indispensable, and to produce interactions that organizations and people care deeply about.

Most of these things DO indeed involve Risk-Taking …. Are you as a company willing to take risks to find the right people?  Are you willing to allow your people to take risks to grow the  company?

Upcoming Business Author, Mark Boeder, answers the following questions: 

  • Mark defines what Indispensable Key Talent for our listeners. 
  • Can we talk about why businesses believe they have the irreplaceable talent and why this may be impeding their success?      
  •  Isn’t this kind of a no-brainer? Why don't business connect their desire for the best talent and how they secure it? Don't they know they need this? 
  • What are a few of the tactics you recommend to help develop more relationships with the kind of candidates businesses might like to hire someday? 
  • Don’t people do a lot of networking now?  LinkedIn and other social platforms are for networking with potential candidates, right? 
  • Bottom line it: Why is it so important for small business owners to change their approach if they truly want to find great talent to grow their company? 

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