Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast

BB161: Building Confidence from the Ground Up featuring Melinda and Ryan Van Fleet

Hosted by Maggie Mongan: Featuring our #1 Bestselling Business Authors Episode 161

Building Confidence with a Successful Business from the Ground Up
featuring Melinda & Ryan Van Fleet

Melinda and Ryan Van Fleet lost their corporate jobs at the same time in 2009. Instead of focusing on their setback, they packed their belongings and headed to The Florida Keys to begin the second act they had envisioned.

Ryan Van Fleet built his successful fishing charter business Good Karma Sportfishing, podcast Good Karma Sportfishing Podcast, and thriving community, based on the values of persistence, confidence, collaboration, having fun, and catching big fish!

Melinda Van Fleet is a multi-passionate success coach who built her coaching, speaking, and writing on the values of helping others believe in themselves and take action. Melinda believes many women are stuck and unfulfilled in their potential.

Together they make a powerful team helping empower individuals and couples to live their best lives. They strongly believe that if they can do it, you can do it too.

#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Melinda & Ryan Van Fleet Answers:  

  • Each of you had different experiences as you became #1 International Bestselling Authors, how does it feel and what was your favorite parts of the process?
  • Could you please recap the key points of episode 152?
  • What do we need to know about creating a level of confidence in our minds and support systems?
  • Why are collaborations, masterminds, accountability teams important to build confidence?
  • Can you expound upon Tip #2: Intention, from your chapter?
  • How does repetitious practicing building confidence?
  • How does reflecting back on other successes help build confidence?

Want More?
Sign up for a free video training to discover how you can build or level up your confidence and maximize your potential. This free training can be taken solo or with your spouse or partner. Click:

Building Confidence Along with a Successful Business - From the Ground Up:
"BrilliantBreakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 4".
Click here to get the book on amazon:

Melinda and Ryan's Confidence Building Podcast Episodes:

*You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook

#BrilliantBizBook #SmallBusiness #Confidence #SuccessCoach  #MotivationalSpeaker #Producitivity #1 Bestselling BusinessAuthor #1 InternationalBestselling  Author