Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast

BB185: Career Advancing Through Networking featuring Mark Boeder

Hosted by Maggie Mongan: Featuring our #1 Bestselling Business Authors Episode 185

Career Advancing Through Networking
featuring Mark Boeder

If you want to be a successful business professional, it’s far more important to develop a community than a network. Most accomplished business professionals have an origin story, which harkens back to when they first started working, entered a particular industry, or found their niche. Often, origin stories go back many years or even decades. In my case, even though I have worked in and around this industry 25+ years, my origin story came to life in October 2016.

 Commonly we learn: Build your network. What are the benefits of doing this throughout the years? How do you great a mutually beneficial network? When it comes time to lean into your network, what's the best way to do this? 

#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Mark Boeder, Answers:  

  • Who are you?
  • What do we not know about you but probably should?
  •  How did you get to where you are now … How has what you do evolved over time?
  • What is the biggest benefit of having a strong Network? 
  • How/why did you decide to make Indispensable Key Talent the Focus of your Recruiting business?
  • What is the best thing that happened to you this year?

Mark's Special Invitation For You:
Learn more about how to find The Indispensable Key Talent your business needs to grow to achieve your goals for yourself or with Mark's assistance.
Click here: https://warhorse

Mark's Chapter: "Uplevel Your Business by Replacing Irreplaceable Employee: Move to Indispensable Key Talent for Ultimate Success" in the book: "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 4".  Click here to get the book on amazon:

Listen to Mark's Previous Episodes:
BB159, BB166

***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook

#BrilliantBizBook #Small Business  #IndispensableKeyTalent  #KeyTalentMindset #CommunityBuilding #1BestsellingAuthor #1InternationalBestsellingAuthor